The OSA is a program that offers a plant/facility the proprietary Hench Control Energy Management System (EMS) which includes hardware, software, and monitoring all in one package without the burden of capital expenditure (based on program availability). This program adds profit to your bottom line from month one of the installation and is an open term service agreement. The EMS is customized specifically for each individual plant/facility and provides increased energy efficiency, safety, convenience, protection and peace of mind knowing that a qualified Hench Control technician is dedicated to you and your facility online every week.
The Operational Service Agreement Includes the Following Features:
- All equipment, graphics and specific programming are included.
- All equipment installation, facility scope and electrical diagrams are included.
- Weekly monitoring of the facility by a dedicated Hench Control energy technician in order to prevent, as well as address any potential system abnormalities or failures.
- Real-time back up for special events and absentee situations.
- Unlimited technical phone support from 8AM – 5PM PST.
- Limited technical phone support during “non-business” hours.
- Hench graphics changes and trending support.
- Upgrade of standard Hench Control software.
- No cost hardware and parts replacement for Hench equipment (not including force majeure, physical damage or other).
- No cost system updates and fixes for Hench software.
- Data backup (two years rolling capacity).
- Weekly report for the facility which will include: Analysis of facility energy efficiency savings and opportunity recommendations.